Atlas-SSI Strengthens Water Screening Solutions Portfolio with Acquisition of Containment Barrier Leader ABASCO


Sargassum Barriers


Floating aquatic plant booms are designed to control the impact of seaweed, sargassum, algae, and other invasive marine plants protecting lakes, beaches and hotels along the shoreline. They can either be used seasonally or long-term to secure an area from aquatic plants and debris that would otherwise litter beaches. The design and perimeter layouts are intended to deflect or redirect aquatic plants or debris.

Uses For Seaweed/Sargassum Barriers

Aquatic plant booms are used for many applications, including preventing the migration of sargassum and aquatic plants in the tourism industry and the following marine environments:

  • Tourist Beaches
  • Hotels & Resorts
  • Parks
  • Marinas
  • Boat Docks & Ports




ABASCO has designed aquatic plant barriers that allow for water movement through the curtain mesh and prevents the impact of sargassum or seaweed invasion along the shoreline. A properly installed ABASCO Aquatic Plant Barrier should deflect the vegetation where installed, offering long term or seasonal protection from build up where a properly anchored perimeter is established. Below are our standard products developed for the many different applications required to protect coastlines and beaches with modifications and custom sargassum containment boom designs available based upon the requirements. 

These aquatic plant booms are designed to contain, deflect or block various levels of sargassum while still allowing Aquatic Life to freely pass underneath the barrier.  The barriers are aquatic-friendly, they do not have netting or other materials that can potentially trap animals causing serious injury and/or death to the aquatic life or cause damage to the surrounding environment.

"Economy Barriers"
"Light Aquatic Barrier"
"Sargassum Barrier"
"Beach Protector"
"HD Beach Barrier"
DescriptionDesigned for light floating debris in calm environments, such as floating leaves and plastic bottles.Capable of handling light buildups of floating seaweed in relatively calm environments.Designed for larger amounts of sargassum in a moderate to heavy environment.Designed for heavier buildups of floating seaweed and sargassum in more active environments with higher loads from wind, current and wave activity.Designed for floating aquatic plant debris in high demand situations that experience high-stress loads from environmental conditions.
Overall Height15"30"45"60"75"
Bottom Ballast1/4" HG Chain3/8" HG Chain1/2" HG Chain1/2" HG Chain5/8" HG Chain
Tensile Strength5,000lbs14,000lbs20,000lbs30,000lbs45,000
Base Fabric/ColorYellowOrangeOrangeOrangeBlack
Optional Colors Orange, Blue, Etc..Yellow, Blue, Etc..Black, Green, Royal BlueBlack, Green, Royal BlueGreen, Royal Blue, Orange
Skirt FabricYellowBlack MeshBlack MeshBlack MeshBlack Mesh


Considerations For Sargassum Containment Boom Selection

Consider the following when deciding on the best sargassum/seaweed deflection barrier design and anchoring option for your specific application:

  • Maximum wind speeds
  • Maximum sea currents
  • Maximum wave/swell heights also if rolling or breaking
  • Will the perimeter layout have good deflection angles and will it be secured at shoreline
  • Sea bottom conditions either sandy or hard bottom for anchoring
  • Will coral beds be close to the barrier perimeter or anchoring
  • Any boat traffic or wakes impacting the perimeter area
  • Any special regulatory or permit requirements
beach sargassum barrier

Sargassum Barrier Drone Footage

Antigua Diving Services video of a sargassum barrier project on Barbuda Island where the company installed and maintains ABASCO Aquatic Barriers for their client.


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