Diversion Baffle Case History
Location: City of Boise, Dixie Drain Phosphorous Removal Facility
Project Overview: the City of Boise and Brown & Caldwell designed a model facility in watershed-based approaches for meeting total maximum daily load limits treating 130 million gallons of daily water by removing phosphorous before entering the Boise River. It is a model for regions facing nutrient removal challenges with budget constraints.
With ABASCO baffles incorporated in the lagoon separation phase and some additional containment requirements, the City of Boise and Brown & Caldwell received the Grand Award by the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) for engineering accomplishments and several regional ACEC awards for the recent project.
ABASCO Contribution: Product design, manufacture & installation support
- Custom designed flow around baffles
- Furling lines included for dredge maintenance
- Additional ballast design incorporated to meet high wind projections
- Provided custom rigging with winches for line tension and easy maintenance
- ABASCO Senior Technician supervised the final installation with assigned contractors
Project Challenges and Features –
- Custom designed lagoon baffle for phosphorous reduction from Lower Boise River Watershed
- Strong wind projections required extra anchoring and ballast options to meet design specifications
- Curtains were designed to facilitate routine dredging maintenance schedule
- Cost effective process design demonstrates benefits of lagoon baffles for reduced capital budgets